Friday, May 6, 2011

How to get your ex-boyfriend back.

How to get your ex-boyfriend back.

In this article I am going to go over a few ways you can learn how to get your ex boyfriend back. The only reason we call the man as Ex-boyfriend is he is not committed to you anymore. Why should you even pay him a second thought? You still love him, that's why!

Still wondering how to get your ex boyfriend back? Read these 7 steps.

The first obvious thing is find out why the 2 of you broke up in the first place. Take some time off to your self and just leave him alone for now, that is the best thing that you can do. Accept what happened, only then can you fix it.

Step #2 is to think of what went wrong and how hard you tried. I know it is hard because you may feel as though you tried so hard and the relationship still fell flat on its face.

The third step is to know what made the relationship fall apart. Hindsight is 20/20 and you may realize that your boy friend treated you poorly or that he was a lot less then perfect. Definitely be prepared to ask yourself that question. If you cannot accept both the good and the bad, getting your ex boyfriend back is pointless. Fact is, you will eventually split because you'll be asking to change him and that would be another cause of fight.

* Step 4 : Travel back to memory lane and recall what you love about him. Remember the good times. Recall dates, special events that you went together, and the little things that made you and your ex boyfriend smile.

* Step 5 : Can you be alright with out him in your life? If you will be able to survive on your own, try doing it. Just try living the single life for a while. Try your best to not just feel sorry for yourself. Something about you drew your ex boyfriend to you in the first place. Love does not just fade overnight, there is still something there. There is a tiny piece of him that is still in love with you.

*Step 6 : Swallow your pride and make the move. In this stage, be ready for possible rejection. Tell him you were hurt; tell him what his bad traits were that made you quit but tell him, you love him despite that. In the modern era, women are acceptably more aggressive and proactive. So explain to him that you would like to try the relationship again.

*Step 7: If it so happens that your ex boyfriend is not ready for a relationship, dont fret. It does not necessarily mean it is the end with your ex boyfriend, not at all. Show him these without forcing him to notice. Gently remind him through your words and actions why he fell in love with you. You have good odds to get the break up to be fixed if you do this. This can take time and needs to be done repeatedly.

Eventually, over time, he will start to recall the good times as well as miss you. After all this time, he will want to see you again, guaranteed! These are preparatory steps before you face your ex boyfriend. Be ready. Equip yourself with a lot of courage. That is how to get your ex boyfriend back.



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